Pharma Halal Centre

Jadilah Bagian dari Komunitas Pendamping Halal: Daftar Sekarang dan Dapatkan Keuntungan Menarik!

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
Kami Lembaga Pendamping Proses Produk Halal PHACE (Pharma Halal Center)
Membuka pendaftaran untuk menjadi pendamping halal

Syarat :
1. Beragama Islam
2.Pendidikan minimal SMA/MA sederajat
3. Berdomisili di seluruh Indonesia
4. ASN bisa bergabung
5.Upload KTP
6. Upload Foto 3×4 baground merah
7. Bersedia mengikuti pelatihan 3 hr ( 20 JPL)

Benefit :
• Pelatihan gratis
• Bagi yg lulus akan mendapatkan sertifikat
• Bagi yg lulus bisa bekerja utk menjadi pendamping halal.
• Insentif yang menarik

Daftar segera!!!
Silahkan isi formulir

Pendaftaran mulai dengan 24-26 Juli 2023

Pelatihan akan di laksanakan tanggal 28-30 Juli 2023 secara Online


Post Tags :

EdukasiHalal, EtikaHalal, Halal, Kehalalan, KepatuhanHalal, PanduanHidupHalal, ProdukHalal, SertifikasiHalal

3 Responses

  1. Great article! I found your perspective on this topic both enlightening and thought-provoking. The way you break down complex ideas into understandable insights is truly commendable. It’s interesting to see how these developments could shape our future. I’m particularly intrigued by your point about potential challenges and would love to dive deeper into that.

    For those who are interested in exploring this topic further, I recommend checking out this resource for more detailed information: comprehensive guide. It offers additional insights that complement what’s discussed here.

    Looking forward to hearing others’ thoughts and continuing this discussion. Thanks for sharing such valuable information!

  2. Great article! I appreciate the clear and insightful perspective you’ve shared. It’s fascinating to see how this topic is developing. For those interested in diving deeper, I found an excellent resource that expands on these ideas: check it out here. Looking forward to hearing others’ thoughts and continuing the discussion!

  3. This piece provided some great insights. The author’s approach was both clear and engaging. I’m curious to see how others feel about these ideas. Any additional thoughts?

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